jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

The Tree House Hostel establishes links with Fundacion Chol-Chol & Tourism Concern

Our idea:

We have taken the decision to pledge a percentage of our profits to different foundations and organizations that have an important impact on the lives of local communities, on the protection of the native forests, and further afield, on the wellbeing of the tourism industry and those who work in it across the world.

This sounds like a major challenge, but we feel it is the least we can do to give something back to the local area and to the industry that facilitates our own livelihoods.
Fundacion Chol-Chol:
We have recently established a link with the Fundación Chol-Chol based in the 9th region here in Chile. It is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide education and technical assistance to individuals who live in poor, rural, indigenous communities in order to create opportunities that foster self-sufficiency, develop self-esteem and improve economic stability.

The Foundation tailors its educational activities to be comprehensive and, most importantly, relevant to the day-to-day lives of its beneficiaries. In order to do this, the institution promotes team-work and self-management, offers small-scale loans, and provides marketing support in order to assist in selling products and services.

In addition to this, the Foundation offers both short and long term voluntary projects for professionals seeking to make a difference whilst traveling. We intend to support these projects and meanwhile, we hope that our small donations, a percentage of which will be generated from your stay with us, can make a difference to the lives of others.

Take a look at the Foundation’s website for further information and to see what our donations can buy:
Tourism Concern:
The larger non-profit making organisation that we aim to support financially through donations is Tourism Concern, a London based organisation where I (Sarah) did a stint of voluntary work on the Latin American section in 2004.

Tourism Concern's Mission Statement is to ensure tourism always benefits local communities.

The Tree House Hostel aims to do this as far as possible by supporting local producers of cakes, jams, cheese, laundry services, even the local off-licence!, but we feel this is not quite enough in terms of the bigger picture.

Tourism Concern has a wide range of exciting and innovative projects working with communities in destination countries to reduce social and environmental problems connected to tourism. They also work with the outbound tourism industry in the UK to find ways of improving tourism so that local benefits are increased.

Central to Tourism Concern's work is the fact that tourism often causes or exacerbates poverty. For this reason, the NGO has been working since 1989 to raise awareness of the negative impacts of tourism: economic, cultural, environment and social. They work with the tourism industry rather than against it. The statement on the header from the Tourism Concern website highlights just what a difference people can make if they work together for a common cause.

Tourism Concern has events London throughout the year and their projects and campaigns can be followed through their website, or better still, become a member and receive their In Focus magazine.

They also have a webshop stocking fabulous books for those who work in the tourism industry, or for those who want to travel within in. A couple of my personal recommendations are:

The Ethical Travel Guide, Polly Patullo with Orely Minelli for Tourism Concern - http://shop1.actinicexpress.co.uk/shops/tourismconcern/index.php?cat=The_Ethical_Travel_Guide

Corporate Futures: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tourism Industry, A Consultation on Good Practice – http://shop1.actinicexpress.co.uk/shops/tourismconcern/index.php?cat=Student_Support___Teaching_Materials
We can only hope that out meager effort to support the above foundations and organisations will help someone, somewhere in their endeavour to better their own lives, or those of others.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

Learning Mapundungun...

Here are the names for our rooms here at The Tree House Hostel, take a look before you arrive....

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007

Time lapse photography of Villarrica Volcano

From September 2nd 2006 a video camera with a telephoto lens captures images of the active Villarrica volcano, in the southern Andes of Chile.

The camera was installed 9 Km NE from the vent and takes photos every 10 sec, allowing to collect over time ash clouds and gas emissions and by night, the characteristical reddish glowing due to the reflection of the deep lava pond on the gas cloud. Once every month the more than 250.000 pictures will be processed and transfered into video files for further analysis.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

Today´s news in Pucon

MARCHAN PARA PREVENIR LAS DROGAS Ante un hermoso día y cumpliendo con la planificación de actividades alrededor de 50 párvulos del jardín infantil Diego Portales de Villarrica, realizaron ayer la caminata por la prevención de drogas por el centro de la ciudad...

EN LOS DESCUENTOS PUCON SE CORONO CAMPEON REGIONAL SUB 13Oncena lacustre será el representante de la región en el próximo campeonato nacional a realizarse en los Vilos.
Luego de haber obtenido un valioso empate a un gol, en el partido de ida jugado en Temuco, la selección sub 13 de Pucón...

MUJERES DE FERIA KUI KUI DE PUCON SE CAPACITAN CON MIRAS AL VERANO Veinte personas de la feria Kui-Kui pertenecientes al sector de Quelhue en la comuna de Pucón, participaron en un interesante curso de textilería, denominado “Rescate de Diseño...

Detectives salvan a mujer del río y esclarecen el delito de apropiación indebida, además recuperar las especies denunciadas

INOLVIDABLE PASEO POR LAGO VILLARRICAMunicipio de Pucón y Capitanía de Puerto se encuentran trabajando con jóvenes de la villa cordillera. Diez jóvenes de la Villa Cordillera de la ciudad de Pucón, disfrutaron de una mañana diferente, al salir a navegar en la lancha de la Capitanía de Puerto...

CAMPAÑA PREVENTIVA EN LOCALES NOCTURNOS DE PUCON Funcionarios del Consejo Nacional de Control de Estupefacientes, CONACE- Previene en tu comuna, junto a la Unidad de Inspección Municipal de Pucón...